Recipe tracker

A small inertia app to help manage recipes in a step based way

This is a small app I made to help me keep track of recipes. I really like those sites were you can “check” every step off and only see the steps you have left.

So ofcourse I built a site like that.

It is built with laravel, inertia and tailwind. I also used shadcn/ui, which is a great component library for people who just wanna get something up fast that looks nice and is accessible (due to it being built on radix components). And I really like that when you want to use your own components instead you can just go to the component and modify it, really sweet.

I also used laravel/fortify for the authentication since I don’t really like the breeze inertia scaffolding (default exports and no typescript :/) and I didn’t really need the jetstream features for this. I think fortify works great when you get the hang of it.

Why inertia? Well, I thought of using livewire, but I felt like inertia would make it easier to make an api for the app if I want to make a mobile app or something in the future (can use the same JsonResources etc.).

It is pretty much a basic crud app, but it really doesn’t have to be more than that. I have a lot of fun using it and it’s really nice to have a place to put all my recipes.

Oh, right, you can also share your recipes with other users, so if you have a friend who also uses the app you can share your recipes with them.

For mail I used mailersend, which works pretty well, would have liked the ability to register multiple domains without having to go with the Pro plan though (I don’t mind paying but having to pay for sending 50k emails a month when I’ll be sending like 10 emails feels a bit much, atleast for me at this time).

Check it out! (it’s in swedish and requires an account, but you can still check it out!)